Plum Crumble Cake

a delicious crumble cake that is the perfect companion to your afternoon coffee or tea!

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perfect combination between sweetness and slight tartness, this cake is simply the best!

This cake comes together using a few staple pantry ingredients and a couple extras that if you bake a little more often are likely to already have on hand. The cakes consists of three layers - bottom crust, middle fruit filling and crumble top. The fruit filling can be made with any number of fruits - plumbs, raspberries, tart cherries, even apricots - pretty much whatever seasonal or frozen fruit you have on hand! The fruit I am using here is a wild black plum (at least that’s what I think it is), which was given to me by a family friend.

Have I mentioned how much I love the local tradition of people sharing whatever fruits and veggies they have in abundance from their summer gardens?! It is one of the most heart-warming traditions to me! I have gotten rosemary, mint, thyme for drying from my neighbor, pears, figs, tomatoes, cucumbers from my aunt, apples and plums from a family friend … and the list goes on. Anyhooz, I think it is really great when people share the abundance from their garden and I just love, love, love it!

additional information

  • Oats - a whole grain, rich in carbs and fiber, as well as higher in protein and fat than other grains. Also rich in minerals and vitamins, oats are among the most nutrient-dense foods.

  • Almonds - high in monounsaturated fats, fiber, protein and important nutrients. They are also loaded with antioxidants, high in vitamin E and magnesium, and can assist with blood sugar control.

  • Whole Wheat Spelt Flour - an ancient grain with slightly nutty flavor and a tougher outer husk, which makes it more resistant to pesticides. Using whole wheat flour is better in general because it is made from the entire grain (bran, endosperm, germ), which help contain more protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

  • Coconut Sugar - made from coconut palm sap and it has a darker, almost caramel-like flavor. Although it has gained popularity in recent years as a ‘healthier’ substitute to table sugar, it should be noted that it is just not as processed, but should be still used in moderation.

  • Maple Syrup - made by boiling sap collected from certain maple species, during which process the phytochemicals naturally present in tree sap are concentrated in maple syrup. While it is comparable in calories and carbs to sugar, maple syrup has a lower glycemic index and since it tends to be sweeter, you can use less of it. But be advised that, as with any sweetener, moderation is key.

  • Arrowroot - a starchy vegetable with a significant amount of protein and several minerals. Arrowroot powder is frequently used as a thickening agent in foods or a gluten-free replacement for wheat flour.

  • Plums are a medium-sized stone fruit that are extremely nutritious, contain many vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants, that may help reduce your risk of several chronic diseases.

needed ingredients

preparation details

The most labor-intensive part of this recipe is pitting the plums, other than that it is pretty easy. I was lucky that the plums I was given were on the smaller size, which allowed me to use my cherry-pitting tool and really sped-up the process. Or if you are using jam or frozen fruit, you do not need to worry about this part!

Once all the plums have been pitted, place them in a pan, add the rest of the fruit filling ingredients and place over medium heat. Once it starts bubbling (about 3-5 min.), mash the fruit carefully using a potato masher, turn the heat to low and let cook for another 7-10 min., stirring occasionally to avoid sticking. Transfer the fruit filling to a bowl to cool down, which will allow to thicken even further - you do not want a runny fruit filling.

* If using frozen fruit - use the same method as above, simply cook a few minutes longer to reduce down.

* If using jam - skip the maple syrup and arrowroot, add the rest of the fruit filling ingredients to a bowl along with the jam and mix well; depending on the thickness of the jam you may not need to heat and reduce the fruit filling, it should already be the right consistency. If you think it is too runny, then heat up for a few minutes.

While the fruit filling is cooling, place all of the cake base ingredients into a food processor and process for about 1-2 min., until you achieve a slight dough-like consistency - it should hold together when you pinch it.

* I used a tart baking pan with removable bottom, but if you do not have something like that, use a 8”x8” baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Place 2/3 of the cake base mixture in the baking tray and using your hands initially and a soup spoon afterward, spread it evenly and press down firmly. Bake the base for 10-12 min. until slightly golden, take out of the oven and let cool slightly.

While the cake base is baking, prep the crumble topping by adding the slivered almonds to the remaining 1/3 of the base mixture and mixing well.

Spread the fruit filling over the cake base - be sure to come almost to the edges, but leave just a little bit of space - it makes it easier to take out of the pan if the fruit filling is not stuck to the sides. This does not apply if using parchment paper lined tray, you can spread the fruit filling to the edges.

Sprinkle the crumble topping over the fruit filling and press down lightly. The first time I made this, I skipped this step and the crumble topping would fall right off the cake piece when I would pick it up to eat. I know the whole point is to be crumbly, but this was a bit too much for my taste, so I would suggest not to skip this step.

Bake the crumble cake for 20 min., rotating halfway through to ensure even baking.

This Plum Crumble Cake needs to be left to cool down to almost room temperature. This not only allows you to cut it more easily without the base crumbling, but it also tastes better - you can really taste all the different flavors that way. It pairs well with coffee or tea, but if you want to splurge and really treat yourself, add a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top! I served it as coffee cake and cut it into smaller pieces, but do keep in mind that it will crumble quite a bit … it is a crumble cake after all :)

The crumble cake can keep for a couple of days, if it lasts that long, but even though the flavors will taste even better, the slivered almonds may lose their crunch slightly.


Plum Crumble Cake

A delicious crumble cake that is the perfect companion to your afternoon coffee or tea! The perfect combination between sweetness and slight tartness, this cake is simply the best!

{vegetarian & vegan friendly}

Author: The Kitchen Plot

Prep Time: 15 min.

Cook Time: 35 min.

Overall Time: 50 min.

Serves: approx. 16 small pieces / 4-6 people

Perfect for: snack, dessert, party bites

Keeps for: 2-3 days


for fruit filling:

  • 500 g fresh plums, pitted *

  • 3 Tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract

  • 1 Tbsp arrowroot (or corn starch)

  • 1 tsp ground cardamom

  • 1 tsp ground coriander

for cake base:

  • 150 g (1 1/4 cup) rolled oats

  • 70 g (1/2 cup) whole-grain spelt flour

  • 50 g (1/2 cup) almond flour

  • 60 g (6 Tbsp) coconut sugar

  • 5 Tbsp smooth almond butter

  • 3 Tbsp coconut oil

  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger

  • 1/2 tsp coriander

  • 1/2 tsp allspice

  • 1/4 tsp cardamom

for crumble top:

  • 1/3 of cake base

  • 50 g (1/2 cup) slivered almonds

* see details above on types of fruit substitutes


  1. Pre-heat oven to 360F convection/ 180C fan and prepare a tart pan with removable bottom or line a 8”x8”(20cm x 20cm) baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Place the fruit filling ingredients in a sauce pan over medium-low heat and stir well. Cook for 3-5 min., until they start bubbling, then using a potato masher (or a fork) mash the fruit and let cook for another 7-10 min., until resembling a jam. Transfer to a bowl and let cool.

  3. While the fruit filling is cooling, prepare the cake base by placing all of the ingredients in a food processor and process for 1-2 min., until it starts to resemble a crumbly dough; it should hold together when pinched.

  4. Transfer 2/3 of the cake base to the tart pan/ baking sheet and using you hands first and then the back of a soup spoon, spread out and firmly press down. Bake for 10-12 min., or until slightly golden. Take out of the oven and let cool slightly.

  5. While the cake base is in the oven, prepare the crumble topping by placing the remaining 1/3 of the cake base in a bowl and mixing in the slivered almonds.

  6. Spread out the fruit filling over the cake base, but be careful not to touch the sides too much (this does not apply if using parchment paper), then sprinkle the crumble topping on top and lightly press down. Bake for 20 min., rotating halfway through to ensure even baking.

  7. Let the crumble cake cool almost to room temperature - that way it will be easier to handle and the base will not crumble. Serve with coffee or tea, but for an even bigger treat, serve with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top!

    The cake will keep for a couple of days, but the slivered almonds may lose a bit of the crunchiness.

    Bon appétit!


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