Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables - May

Hello, May!

According to, the name for the month of May comes from Latin Maius, short for Maius mēnsis, “Maia’s month.” Maia is the Greek goddess of fertility and spring, which is very appropriate for the growth and increase of fresh herbs, veggies and fruits we see at the markets in the month of May.

And now a little bit more about the seasonal vegetables and fruits available during the month of May …

seasonal veggies {zones 4-6} - may

  • Lettuce - a leaf vegetable that has different varieties - butterhead, crisphead, loose leaf, or romaine lettuce. Often consumed raw in salads, sandwiches, or wraps, but also used in soups sometimes.

    Lettuce is a versatile vegetable loaded with antioxidants and good-for-you nutrients, with dark green and red lettuce leading the charts in vitamin A, K and lutein. 95% of the lettuce weight comes from water, so it also helps with hydration. Additionally, eating lettuce prior to a meal helps you feel more full, which helps prevent overeating.

  • Radishes - a root vegetable that belongs to the cruciferae or mustard family. Their skins can be red, black, yellow, purple, and pink, and they have a spicy, peppery taste. Radishes are grown and consumed throughout the world, being mostly raw as a crunchy salad vegetable, pickled, or as garnishes in soups (mostly in Asian cuisine).

    Radishes are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and certain compounds that help manage blood sugar levels, help the liver rid of toxins, help manage blood flow, aid digestion, and because of their natural antifungal properties can help stop the growth of infection-causing fungi. Radish leaves should not be overlooked as well, as they may be the most nutritious part of the plant! They contain more protein, calcium, vitamin C, iron, and antioxidants than the root.

  • Ramps - also known as wild garlic, this Allium tricoccum has a potent flavor, which is a cross between garlic, scallions, and commercially grown leeks; it is available for only a few weeks of the year, which makes it even more precious.

    Ramps are high in vitamin C, and plant compounds that aid with blood clothing, protect against certain cancers, may improve your digestion, reduce inflammation, and fight heart disease.

  • Scallions - an allium (Latin for "garlic") vegetable with hollow, tube-like green tops that have a mild, oniony zing, and a small, white bulb end with a sharper bite. Both the leaves and bulb of the scallions are edible and have a mild, gentle flavor compared to regular onions. Can be consumed raw in salads and as garnishes for soups and stews, can be grilled whole, can be pureed and used in sauces.

    Scallions are rich in vitamin K, helps your blood clot and keeps your bones strong, vitamin C, helps protect your cells from damage, and folate, which aids in DNA production.

  • Spinach - a leafy, green vegetable (Spinacia oleracea) that originated in Persia. It can be consumed raw or cooked, and can be combined with other veggies.

    Spinach is extremely nutrient-rich with vitamins, minerals and plant compounds that may reduce oxidative stress, promote eye health, help fight cancer, and regulate blood pressure.

  • Nettle - or more correctly, stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), is a plant with leaves that have hair-like structures that sting and also produce itching, redness and swelling upon contact. However, once it is processed into a supplement, dried, freeze-dried or cooked, stinging nettle can be safely consumed and is linked to numerous evidence-based benefits. Most often stinging nettle is either cooked in stews and soups, brewed as an herbal tea, applied as an ointment or taken as a supplement.

    Stinging nettle’s leaves and root provide a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, polyphenols and pigments — many of which also act as antioxidants inside the body, which may help suppress inflammation and could aid inflammatory conditions, including arthritis; may help reduce prostate size and treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland in men; may help lower blood pressure by allowing your blood vessels to relax and reduce the force of your heart’s contractions; may help lower blood sugar levels; other potential health benefits also include lessened bleeding, boosted liver health and wound healing.

  • Sorrel - also known as spinach dock, is a vibrant leafy green vegetable with a citrusy flavor. Often used in soups, sauces, salads, and beverages; certain varieties are also used to make herbal teas, tinctures, and supplements.

    Sorel is high in essential nutrients like fiber, magnesium, and vitamins C and A. It is rich in rich in antioxidants and may support heart health and prevent cancer cell growth.

  • Arugula - a peppery, distinctive-tasting cruciferous green that originated in the Mediterranean region. It is also known as rucola, salad rocket, and Italian cress. It can be enjoyed in salads, pestos, and as an addition to sandwiches and wraps.

    Arugula is a nutrient-dense food that is high in fiber, phytochemicals, and in several vital nutrients - calcium, potassium, folate, vitamins C, K, A.

  • Asparagus - a member of the lily family, this delicious and versatile vegetable comes in various colors: green, white, and purple. Asparagus can be consumed raw or cooked and are easy to incorporate into your daily diet - add it to salads, soups, pastas and stir-fries.

    Asparagus is an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, especially folate (vitamin B9) and vitamins A, C and K. High in antioxidants, which prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals and may reduce your risk of chronic disease, it is a good source of fiber, and contains potassium, a mineral that can help lower high blood pressure.

  • Mushrooms - a fungus, with thousands of species identified, but only about two dozen are widely accepted for use as food. Some mushrooms have a rich umami (savory) taste, making them a good meat substitute. Others feature more delicate, earthy flavors. Some of the most popular mushrooms are:

    • Chanterelle - shaped like a trumpet.

    • Cremini (baby bella) - firm and dark.

    • Enoki - small white stems with caps.

    • Maitake - dimpled and spongy.

    • Oyster - fan-shaped with a thin cap.

    • Porcini - thick-stemmed with a reddish-brown cap.

    • Portobello - brown with a thick, large cap.

    • Shiitake - ivory-colored stem and a dark brown cap.

    Mushrooms contain health-boosting vitamins and minerals, along with protein and fiber, all of which which may help boost your immune system, protect brain health, maintain heart health, and improve gut health. Mushrooms also contain ergosterol, which turns into vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light, which can potentially be enough to meet 100% of your vitamin D needs for the day. Something to try at home:

    1. Slice one portabella or three smaller, white button or cremini mushrooms.

    2. Leave them in direct sunlight for as little as 15 minutes. And there you have it - a vitamin D-rich mushroom to help you meet your daily levels!

  • Potatoes - a versatile root vegetable and a staple food in many households. They can be boiled, baked or steamed and consumed with the skin intact.

    Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Studies have linked potatoes and their nutrients to a variety of impressive health benefits, including improved blood sugar control, reduced heart disease risk and higher immunity. Potatoes contain resistant starch, which may help reduce insulin resistance. In turn, this can help improve blood sugar control.

  • Carrots - a crunchy root vegetable, which come in many colors, including yellow, white, orange, red, and purple.

    Carrots are a good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. Eating carrots is linked to a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as improved eye health.

  • Onions - are bulb-shaped root vegetable, closely related to chives, garlic, scallions, shallots, and leeks. Commonly used as a flavoring or side dish, onions are a staple food in many cuisines. They can be baked, boiled, grilled, fried, roasted, sautéed, powdered, or eaten raw. Onions vary in size, shape, and color, but the most common types are white, yellow, and red. The taste ranges from mild and sweet to sharp and spicy, depending on the variety and season.

    Onions consist mostly of water, carbs, and fiber. Their main fibers, fructans, can feed the friendly bacteria in your gut. Onions contain decent amounts of vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, and potassium, and are rich antioxidants, which may lower blood sugar levels, improve bone health, and reduce the risk of several types of cancers. It is important to note that colorful varieties, such as yellow or red ones, pack more antioxidants than white ones.

  • Garlic - a plant in the Allium (onion) family, closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks. Garlic grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste. The strong taste of garlic complements most savory dishes, particularly soups, sauces and dressings.

    Garlic is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. It contains antioxidants that can help protect against cognitive decline related to cell damage and aging. This may reduce your risk (or slow the progression) of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. It is believed that garlic may help prevent and reduce the severity of illnesses like the flu and common cold, it can improve blood pressure and appears to have some benefits for bone health by reducing oxidative stress.

seasonal fruits {zones 4-6} - may

  • Strawberries - bright red, juicy, and sweet berries, which originated in Europe in the 18th century. Usually consumed raw and fresh, strawberries can also be used in a variety of jams, jellies, and desserts.

    Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, and also contain decent amounts of folate (vitamin B9) and potassium. Thy are rich in antioxidants and plant compounds, which may have benefits for heart health and blood sugar control.

  • Cherries - small stone fruits that come in a variety of colors and flavors. There are two major categories — tart and sweet cherries, with colors that vary from yellow to deep blackish-red. They are mainly consumed fresh, but can also be prepared as compotes, jams, syrups, and used in baked desserts.

    Cherries are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They are high in antioxidants (helps reduce chronic disease risk), contain anti-inflammatory compounds (have powerful heart-protective properties), and melatonin (may help improve sleep quality in some people).

    Consuming cherries, especially tart cherry products like juice and powder, may improve athletic performance and reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and soreness. Research also indicates that the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of cherries may benefit those with arthritis and gout.

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