Homemade Breadcrumbs

wondering what to do with your days old bread? homemade breadcrumbs is the way to go!

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easy to make, easy to store and great for adding some extra crunch to a variety of dishes!

I don't like wasting food in general, but most of all I don't like wasting bread. I don't know if it's because it is mostly bread that I made, but my heart truly aches if I have to throw it away. And for that reason I try my best to store the bread so that I don't have to waste it!

Best way to use up your days old bread is to turn it into breadcrumbs that you can store in the freezer and use whenever needed. These are something between croutons and breadcrumbs, but this allows you to use them for different applications. If you need them finely ground, simply process more in the food processor.

Things you can use your homemade breadcrumbs for:

  • Sprinkle on pasta dishes, soups or include in salads - you need to flavor them, but that is a simple process - just add them to a pan over medium heat with a tablespoon of olive oil, a sprinkle of salt and black pepper, as well as some herbs de Provence, and cook until golden-brown. Sprinkling breadcrumbs on top of your pasta dish may sound a bit weird, but trust me, it is amazing (check out this Creamy Cauliflower Pasta dish)! Garnishing your soups and salads with these flavorful breadcrumbs is like adding croutons, which has been proven to be delicious.

  • To create a crust - simply ground them up finer and roll your tofu, polenta or whatever else you are rolling to a created a ‘crusted-something’ dish!

needed Ingredients:

  • few slices of days old bread

preparation details

The only thing you need to do is to let the bread dry completely, before processing and storing. Easiest way for me is to break down the bread into chunks, place them on a sheet pan (large enough to spread out and not be overcrowded), cover with a dish towel and leave on the counter. If pressed for space on the counter, you can leave them in the oven for a couple of days; even better if you have used your oven and place them in there while still warm. Just do not forget the breadcrumbs in the oven for too long in case mold starts to form … speaking from experience over here hehe

Processing the breadcrumbs is a pretty straightforward process - simply place the dried bread chunks in the food processor and pulse until large crumbs form. I do not process them too finely at this point to be able to use for variety of applications, but it is completely up to you how large or small you would like to make them.


Homemade Breadcrumbs

Wondering what to do with your days old bread? Homemade breadcrumbs is the way to go! Easy to make, easy to store and great for adding some extra crunch to a variety of dishes!

Author: The Kitchen Plot

Cook Time: -

Total Time: 10 min.

Serves: -

Perfect for: soups, pasta, salads

Keeps for: in freezer - 1 month


  • few slices of days old bread, broken into chunks


  1. Place the bread chunks on a baking sheet (large enough to spread them out) and leave to dry on the countertop (covered with a dish towel) or in your oven for a day or two.

  2. Place dried bread chunks into a food processor and pulse until they become like large breadcrumbs.

  3. Transfer to a container and keep in the freezer for up to a month.

    I hope you find this useful!